Theory at the service of conservation

I am a Malagasy ecologist and develop mathematical and statistical models to better understand patterns and processes of biodiversity loss. I am the Scientific Director and Graduate Program Coordinator of Madagascar Biodiversity Center .
I obtained a MSc in applied mathematics with Arthur Randrianarivony at the University of Antananarivo. I did a PhD with Ilkka Hanksi and Otso Ovaskainen at the University of Helsinki. I completed a first postdoc with Emma Goldberg at the University of Minnesota, and a second postdoc with Anthony Ives and Monica G. Turner at the University of Wisconsin-Madison (ACES), and is doing a third postdoc with Benjamin Roche at the University of Montpellier on COVID-19 modeling. I am a Honorary Fellow at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
I work at the interface of theoretical ecology and conservation biology. I assess the role of environmental variability, spatial processes, and species interactions to understand stability and resilience of ecosystems. My work spans various continents: Asia, Europe, Northern America, and Madagascar, and involves topics such as phylogeography, paleoecology, and contemporary ecology. My research are generally motivated by conservation related questions in Madagascar.
Habitat destructions and landscape heterogeneity
I use and combine the strength of spatial ecology and landscape ecology for applications in conservation biology to:

Species' niche
Niche is a central ecological concept that characterizes how a species responds to the environment and thus for its conservation. I am currently

Stochastic processes
Stochasticity can be more than a noise in shaping biodiversity patterns, I aim to:

I am broadly interested in method developments, from phylogenetic comparative methods to pragmatic statistical approach to optimize fungal spores counting. I have been analyzing large spatiotemporal data: crop yield in the USA, evolution of malaria in Madagascar, and influence of political instability on the economy of Madagascar. If it isn't obvious yet, I am always excited to venture into new projects.
Publications and in prep.
- Solofondranohatra, C. L., Andrianorosoa, C. T. O., T. Ramiadantsoa, Ravelomanana, A., Ramanampamonjy, R. N., Hugel, S. & Fisher, B. L. 2024. Effect of Cricket Frass Fertilizer on growth and pod production of green beans Phaseolus vulgaris L. Plos one, 19(5), e0303080
- Ramiadantsoa, T., Ratajczak, Z. & Turner, M. G. 2023. Regeneration strategies and forest resilience to changing fire regimes: insights from a Goldilocks model. Ecology, 104(6), e4041
- Evans, M. V., T. Ramiadantsoa, Kauffman, K., Moody, J., Nunn, C. L., Rabezara, J. Y., ... & Roche, B. 2023. Sociodemographic Variables Can Guide Prioritized Testing Strategies for Epidemic Control in Resource-Limited Contexts. The Journal of Infectious Diseases, 228(9), 1189-1197
- Twombly, S., Hastings, A., Miller, T., Cortez, M., Abbott, K., T. Ramiadantsoa, Blackwood, J., & Prosper, O. 2022. New Theory for Increasingly Tangled Banks. Issues in Science and Technology, 38(4), 39-44
- Rasambainarivo, F., T. Ramiadantsoa,..., C.J.E. Metcalf. 2022. Prioritizing COVID-19 vaccination efforts and dose allocation within Madagascar. BMC Public Health, 22(1), 724
- Ramiadantsoa, T. ... & Rasambainarivo, F. 2022. Existing human mobility data sources poorly predicted the spatial spread of SARS-CoV-2 in Madagascar. Epidemics, 38, 100534.
- Perrotti, A. G., T. Ramiadantsoa, O'Keefe, J. & Otaño, N. N. 2022. Uncertainty in coprophilous fungal spore concentration estimates. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 10, 1086109
- Culbertson, K. A., Treuer, T. L. H., Mondragon-Botero, A., T. Ramiadantsoa & Reid, J. L. 2022. The eco-evolutionary history of Madagascar presents unique challenges to tropical forest restoration. Biotropica, 54(4), 1081-1102
- Rice, B. L., ..., T. Ramiadantsoa, ..., C. J. E. Metcalf. 2021. Variation in SARS-CoV-2 outbreaks across sub-Saharan Africa. Nature Medicine, 27(3), 447-453.
- Rasambainarivo, F., ..., T. Ramiadantsoa, ..., B. L. Rice. 2021. Monitoring for outbreak-associated excess mortality in an African city: Detection limits in Antananarivo, Madagascar. International Journal of Infectious Diseases, 103, 338-342.
- Ramiadantsoa, T. and C. L. Solofondranohatra. 2021. Nontrivial responses of vegetation to compound disturbances : a case of Malagasy grassland. Malagasy Nature, 15, 29-40.
- McCary, M.A., J. Phillips, T. Ramiadantsoa, L.A. Nell, A.R. McCormick, J.C. Botsch. 2021. Transient top-down and bottom-up effects of resources pulsed to multiple trophic levels. Ecology, 102(1): e03197.
- Kucharick, C.J., T. Ramiadantsoa, J. Zhang, A.R. Ives. 2020. Spatiotemporal trends in crop yields, yield variability, and yield gaps across the USA. Crop Science, 60(4), 2085-2101
- Ramiadantsoa, T. , M.A. Stegner, J.W. Williams, and A.R. Ives. 2019. The potential role of intrinsic processes in generating abrupt and quasi-synchronous tree declines during the Holocene. Ecology, 100(2): e02579
- Ramiadantsoa, T. , I. Hanski, and O. Ovaskainen. 2018. Responses of Generalist and Specialist Species to Fragmented Landscapes. Theoretical Population Biology. 124:31-40.
- Ratajczak, Z., S.R. Carpenter, A.R. Ives, C.J. Kucharik, T. Ramiadantsoa, M. A. Stegner, J. W. Williams, J. Zhang, and M.G. Turner. 2018. Abrupt Change in Ecological Systems: Inference and Diagnosis. Trends in Ecology & Evolution, Volume 33, Issue 7.
- Ihantamalala, F. A., F.M.J. Rakotoarimanana, T. Ramiadantsoa, J.M. Rakotondramanga, G. Pennober, F. Rakotomanana, S. Cauchemez, C.J.E. Metcalf, V. Herbreteau, and A. Wesolowski. 2018. Spatial and temporal dynamics of malaria in Madagascar. Malaria Journal 17, no. 1: 58.
- Ramiadantsoa, T., J. Sirén, and I. Hanski. 2017. Phylogenetic comparative method for geographical radiation. Annales Zoologica Fennica Vol. 54. No. 1–4 (special issue in honor of Ilkka Hanski).
- Ramiadantsoa, T., O. Ovaskainen, J. Rybicki, and I. Hanski. 2015. Large-scale habitat corridors for biodiversity conservation: A forest corridor in Madagascar. Plos one 10: e0132126.
Rakotondrasoa, J. F., Ramiadantsoa, T. }, Becker, L. J., Ravelomanana, A., Van Itterbeeck, J., Hugel, S. & Fisher, B. L. Education: an efficient tool to increase the willingness of children to consume farmed cricket in Madagascar. Under revision for Journal of Insects as Food and Feed
Rasoarimalala N. F., T. Ramiadantsoa , Rakotonirina, J. C. & Fisher, B. F. Linear morphometry of male genitalia distinguishes the ant genera Monomorium and Syllophopsis (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in Madagascar. Submitted to Insects
Kostandova, N., Schluth, C., ... , T. Ramiadantsoa, ..., Cummings, D. A. T., & Wesolowski, A. A systematic review of using population-level human mobility data to understand SARS-CoV-2 transmission. Submitted to Nature Communications.
Ramiadantsoa, T., Nantenaina, R. H., Rakotoniaina, H. J., Rakotonirina, H., Rakouth, H., Ramahandrison, A. T., Ramananjato, V., Randimbiarison, F., Raselimanana, M., Razafimandimby, D. N. & Temba, E. M. Biodiversity decline in Madagascar: the elephant in the room? In prep for Biotropica
Phelps, L. N., Razanatsoa, E., Davis, D., Hackel, J., Rasolondrainy, T., Tiley, G. P., ..., T. Ramiadantsoa, ..., Vorontsova, M. S., Douglass, K. & Lehmann, C. Advancing transdisciplinary research on grassy biomes to support resilience in tropical ecosystems and livelihoods. In prep
Ramiadantsoa, T. and Ives, A. R. Shaky ball vs. shaky cup: relationships between characteristic return and stability in variable environments. In prep for Ecology Letters.
Teaching and outreach
I spent a bit of my time showing how mathematics can be applied to ecology and conservation, and giving a glimpse of the life of a research to high school students in Madagascar. I also co-founded (with Cara Brook) and teach workshops (E2M2)to improve quantitative skills in Madagascar. Benjamin Rice and I are supporting (financially and academically) master's students in the STEM field until completion of the thesis. I am also creating a new peer review scientific journal called "zava-boary" (nature in Malagasy) to provide masters students an opportunity to publish their work free of charge.
My other activites include fostering cultural exchanges between Madagascar and other countries. I am a member of two societies: the Finnish-based (Suomi-Madagascar Seura) and the Malagasy-based (Madagascar-Finland). On top of cultural exchanges, we organize fund raising to help underprivileged students in Madagascar.
Contact & CV
Email: tanjona.ramiadantsoa-AT-gmail.com
Twitter: @TRamiadantsoa